The big pile-ups are gone. For the last few days, I d'ont expect any big ineterresting in AQ7AO. 500+ QSO's are now in the log.
Unfortunatley, my plan to be active in FT-4/FT-8, SSTV and other Digi-Modes are no option an more. My notebook has a problem in Audio-TX over the virtual Audio Cable. Maybe I will find a solution fot the last days, but I think my solution will not working.
Yesterday, after I called CQ for 10 minutes with no takers, I looked around on the passband, who is also qrv on QO-100. Then I heard a young female voice who worked in a little pile-up. It was the voice of the 12 years old (soon 13 years, she told), YL Sophie, DF4QB.
Many stations calling her. I tryed too, but my signal was to quiet for her, or she is not yet familiar with DX signals. She called up for the last qso and I tried again. Then a german station called her and told, that she should have to listen to a quiet signal from the Maldives. Then I got the chance to called her as an DX-Station. She answered and was excited. And yes, she was very happy about that DX.
Lessons learned: It's allways easy to answer the loud stations. But also on QO-100 are sometimes the quiet stations the pearl under the calling stations. Maybe she know now, that a quiet station can be something special.
For me was a special qso and I liked it. Sophie lives my dream that I had in my childhood. I hope she will like that hobby also in the future.
Some stations asked my about some underwater pictures. So, here is sample of my photo shoots.
Kommentar schreiben
Rolf DJ7TH (Samstag, 06 Februar 2021 15:46)
Hi Michael,
we just had a QSO on QO-100 (6.2.2012 13.55 o'clock) and of course I had to look at your first-class homepage.
In the mid-80s, I also had the pleasure of visiting the Maldives. I had brought my shortwave equipment with me and applied for a license. However, everything was confiscated at customs in Male and only given back to me one day before my return trip. That was not very nice from the local authorities. But the stay on one of the hotel islands was all the more pleasant. Only for windsurfing we had too little wind.
Come home safe and hopefully healthy.
Best 73 de Rolf DJ7TH